
A creative tool that expands our perspective and understanding

Rp 1.900.000

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

What Is Punctum

Punctum is a game that allows us to explore various issues in a dynamic way - hands-on, playful and colorful, yet powerful and effective.

The game is based on associative connections between stunning photos, intriguing themes and meaningful questions to create genuine learning and development.

Who Can Benefit From

Great for individuals, professionals and organizations.

Whether as a tool for self-discovery, team building and leadership development or at coaching and therapy sessions, social gatherings and workshops -
Punctum makes for a meaningful and inspiring experience. Played individually, one-on-one, by small and large groups, it can be easily adapted to every audience, objective and theme. 

Expand your professional toolkit

Rp 1.900.000

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

The Kit

The Punctum kit includes:

  • Deck of 33 unique cards displaying images taken by photographers from around the world
  • 33 theme cards, each presenting a one-word life theme
  • 33 question cards to guide and expand our points of view
  • A denim case, soft yet durable, made of recycled, biodegradable and environmentally friendly fabric
  • Free access to online support, guidance, ideas and training on how to use The Coaching Game in professional settings.


Bermain dengan Punctum memberikan peluang pada diri untuk mendesain kisahku, membuatku lebih bertanggunjawab atas hidupku di dunia dan memberikan kekuatan untuk merealisasikan harapanku dengan caraku.

Punctum juga sangat praktis dan ringan dibawa. Setiap orang dapat memainkannya, mendesain kisah hidupnya dan merealisasikan harapannya melalui insight yang diperoleh. Yuk, bermain!

Mariati Budirahardja -

Certified Expert (Level 3) Points of You® Indonesia

Mengenal dan mempelajari Points of You menjadi hal yang saya syukuri karenasayaserasa punya jurus tambahan dalam peran sebagaipsikolog. Teman saya bilang, Points of You itu sepertiobat mati gaya.

Pernah dalam satu sesi konseling, saya mendapati klien tipe complainer. Banyak sekali hal yang ia keluhkan dan lompat-lompat. Diajak fokus juga balik lagi dan melebar ke mana-mana. Bersyukur hari itu sayamembawa Punctum. Dan...Unexpected but Precise, akhirnyaia pulang denganwajah lebih relaks karena tahu hal prioritas apa yang hendak ia lakukan selanjutnya.

Indah Prestyowati - Psikolog, Asesor, Konselor, Direktur I-Consultant

Certified Practitioner (Level 2) Points of You

® Indonesia

Rp 1.900.000

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Payment Available via:

and other Qris payment applications

©Points of You Indonesia