Level 3 - Expert Certification
Level 3 - Expert Certification
Points of You® is a language, it’s a way of life. Phototherapy, mindfulness, storytelling and music are just some of the engaging ways that you will explore in this program. Get a deep understanding of the Points of You® method while experiencing a life-changing transformational personal journey.
As a Points of You® Certified Expert, you will be able to facilitate our Official Academy Workshops in your country and enjoy amazing business opportunities
Points of You® is a language, it’s a way of life. Phototherapy, mindfulness, storytelling and music are just some of the engaging ways that you will explore in this program. Get a deep understanding of the Points of You® method while experiencing a life-changing transformational personal journey.
As a Points of You® Certified Expert, you will be able to facilitate our Official Academy Workshops in your country and enjoy amazing business opportunities.

What Will You Learn?
What Will You Learn?
The Philosophy Behind the Method
Discover the values and principles behind our powerful method. Learn how to implement them in your own practice with clients. How to utilize the tools & method to increase performance in every aspect of life.
Sharpen Your Facilitation Skills
Learn how to become an engaging facilitator that captivates their audience and leads groups in immersive development processes both face-to-face and online. Learn facilitation techniques that can be applied for any audience and purpose
Hold A Safe Space
Learn how to create the perfect setting for a deep and authentic dialogue. Become an expert in holding a space that allows participants to open up and express their passions, fears, challenges and vulnerability
Therapeutic Photography Techniques
Learn how to produce positive change and improve well-being by using diverse photographic practices. Learn the healing power of creative expression and embracing traumatic experiences through therapeutic photography
Create Your Own Unique Workshop
Learn how to work with your strengths to build the workshop of your dreams from A to Z. You'll be guided through the development process, challenged to dare, have the safe space to practice and receive priceless feedback
The Philosophy Behind the Method
Discover the values and principles behind our powerful method. Learn how to implement them in your own practice with clients. How to utilize the tools & method to increase performance in every aspect of life.
Sharpen Your Facilitation Skills
Learn how to become an engaging facilitator that captivates their audience and leads groups in immersive development processes both face-to-face and online. Learn facilitation techniques that can be applied for any audience and purpose
Hold A Safe Space
Learn how to create the perfect setting for a deep and authentic dialogue. Become an expert in holding a space that allows participants to open up and express their passions, fears, challenges and vulnerability
Therapeutic Photography Techniques
Learn how to produce positive change and improve well-being by using diverse photographic practices. Learn the healing power of creative expression and embracing traumatic experiences through therapeutic photography.
Create Your Own Unique Workshop
Learn how to work with your strengths to build the workshop of your dreams from A to Z. You'll be guided through the development process, challenged to dare, have the safe space to practice and receive priceless feedback
What Will You Gain
by Joining?
What Will You Gain
by Joining?
Practical Know-How
Receive the knowledge, practice and gain confidence to work with our creative tools in your one-on-one sessions, workshops and at home with your loved ones.
A Sense of Belonging
Feel the power of the group, see yourself through the eyes of others and experience a collective healing process. Meet yourself on an authentic and vulnerable level. Supported and accepted.
Practical Know-How
Receive the knowledge, practice and gain confidence to work with our creative tools in your one-on-one sessions, workshops and at home with your loved ones.
A Sense of Belonging
Feel the power of the group, see yourself through the eyes of others and experience a collective healing process. Meet yourself on an authentic and vulnerable level. Supported and accepted.
Expand Your Boundaries
Discover new places, meet new people, and open the door to a world of unexpected but precise opportunities. Let go of fears that hold you back, develop your inner strength and allow this program to be your life-changing process.
Experiential Learning Approach
Gain expertise on how to deliver profound experiences that are based on your existing content and objectives. Embody experiential methods in your practice: music, group dynamics, mindfulness, phototherapy, storytelling and more.
Expand Your Boundaries
Discover new places, meet new people, and open the door to a world of unexpected but precise opportunities. Let go of fears that hold you back, develop your inner strength and allow this program to be your life-changing process.
Experiential Learning Approach
Gain expertise on how to deliver profound experiences that are based on your existing content and objectives. Embody experiential methods in your practice: music, group dynamics, mindfulness, phototherapy, storytelling and more.
What's Include?
What's Include?
All-Inclusive Program
Five-day training program at wellness resorts and spa, with healthy delicious food in inspiring locations around Indonesia.
2 Hybrid Workshops
This program includes a live facilitation and guided processes before & after the program.
All-Inclusive Program
Five-day training program at wellness resorts and spa, with healthy delicious food in inspiring locations around Indonesia.
2 Hybrid Workshops
This program includes a live facilitation and guided processes before & after the program.
Facilitator Concept Pack
A 120 page facilitator booklet, inspiring journal, exclusive sets of cards, goodie bag and digital courses that will teach you how To Facilitate our exclusive workshops.
Access our Knowledge Base
Get access to our amazing knowledge base by participating in Online Monthly Session every month and other professional resources.
Facilitator Concept Pack
A 120 page facilitator booklet, inspiring journal, exclusive sets of cards, goodie bag and digital courses that will teach you how To Facilitate our exclusive workshops.
Access our Knowledge Base
Get access to our amazing knowledge base by participating in Online Monthly Session every month and other professional resources.
In Depth Processes with 4 Points of You® Tools
Gain deeper insight and knowledge using 4 Points of You® Tools The Coaching Game, Punctum, Faces and Flow.
International Accreditation
Get a Certificate of Attendance and +65 CCEU's at the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
International Accreditation
Get a Certificate of Attendance and +65 CCEU's at the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
In Depth Processes with 4 Points of You® Tools
Gain deeper insight and knowledge using 4 Points of You® Tools The Coaching Game, Punctum, Faces and Flow.
Who is it for?
This program is ideal for professionals who wish to stay up to date in changing reality, integrate experiential learning in their practice as well as bring innovative tools and eye-opening perspectives to their clients.
Bringing together coaches, therapists, trainers, facilitators, psychologists, HR professionals, people managers, counselors and business owners from all around the world. Together we will go on an amazing journey where you can really grow and belong.
As a Points of You® Certified Expert, you will be able to facilitate a variety of our exclusive workshops in your country.

Who is it for?
This program is ideal for professionals who wish to stay up to date in changing reality, integrate experiential learning in their practice as well as bring innovative tools and eye-opening perspectives to their clients.
Bringing together coaches, therapists, trainers, facilitators, psychologists, HR professionals, people managers, counselors and business owners from all around the world. Together we will go on an amazing journey where you can really grow and belong.
As a Points of You® Certified Expert, you will be able to facilitate a variety of our exclusive workshops in your country.

Over 2,000 Have Participated
Here’s an insight of their experience

Seperti namanya, Level 3 - Turning Point Program, 5 hari berproses bersama teman-teman sekelas lainnya memang menjadi satu titik balik bagi diriku. Aku diajak untuk melihat kedalam diri sendiri, mengenal siapa aku yang seutuhnya, dan untuk merangkul bagian dari diri aku yang sebelumnya aku lupakan dan aku kubur. Di titik itu pula, aku menjadi berani untuk mengambil kekuatan dan mendeklarasikan apa yang aku ingin menjadi kedepannya
Henry Rahardja - Business Owner (March, 2020)

"There always room for change" Proses bermakna dalam setiap sesi di L3 membawa saya untuk berani membuka sekat sekat serta selubung yang menghambat saya untuk tumbuh dan berkembang. Proses "Inner Research" untuk menemukan potensi terbaik saya untuk berubah dan pada akhirnya saya mampu menemukan sesuatu yang lebih besar dari diri saya daripada dunia yang sedang saya hadapi.
Bambang Styawan - Certified Professional Coach, Kepala Loka Rehabilitasi BNN Kalianda (December, 2020)

Bukan hanya kita mempelajari Points of You, apalagi kita pakai Kartu Flow, kartu terbaru dari Points of You tapi, di sini kita juga berproses dan juga melakukan suatu hal pembelajaran dengan master - master yang luar biasa, kita melakukan Inner Research, banyak sekali Unexpected but Precise disini kita jadi bicara dream dan banyak hal.
Lily Johan - HC Expert & Career Coach (December, 2020)

Di bawah bimbingan Fasilitator kelas Dunia dan di dukung oleh komunitas grup yang sangat hangat dan terbuka, membuat proses “memahami diri” berjalan dengan nyaman dan dalam. Selain berproses mengenali diri menggunakan tools phototherapy, kita juga diperkuat dengan kisah-kisah kesaksian hidup yang mengharukan sekaligus menginspirasi. Merasakan berbagai teknik coaching menggunakan Points of You tools dan memahami filosofi yang mendasarinya
Henli Salim - Financial Coach (March, 2020)

Saya merasa getaran connection yang lebih luas dan lebih dalam di dalam diri saya, sehingga seolah mampu terkoneksi dengan semesta. Ini mendukung saya agar bisa menjadi orang yang lebih gentle, caring dan resourceful bagi mereka yang membutuhkan dan saya menjadi lebih siap berbagi energi positif ke lebih banyak orang
Sri Eka Suandini - Preschool Principal and Parenting/Transpersonal Coach (Nov, 2022)
Over 2,000 Have Participated
Here’s an insight of their experience

Seperti namanya, Level 3 - Turning Point Program, 5 hari berproses bersama teman-teman sekelas lainnya memang menjadi satu titik balik bagi diriku. Aku diajak untuk melihat kedalam diri sendiri, mengenal siapa aku yang seutuhnya, dan untuk merangkul bagian dari diri aku yang sebelumnya aku lupakan dan aku kubur. Di titik itu pula, aku menjadi berani untuk mengambil kekuatan dan mendeklarasikan apa yang aku ingin menjadi kedepannya
Henry Rahardja - Business Owner (March, 2020)

"There always room for change" Proses bermakna dalam setiap sesi di L3 membawa saya untuk berani membuka sekat sekat serta selubung yang menghambat saya untuk tumbuh dan berkembang. Proses "Inner Research" untuk menemukan potensi terbaik saya untuk berubah dan pada akhirnya saya mampu menemukan sesuatu yang lebih besar dari diri saya daripada dunia yang sedang saya hadapi
Bambang Styawan - Certified Professional Coach, Kepala Loka Rehabilitasi BNN Kalianda (December, 2020)

Bukan hanya kita mempelajari Points of You, apalagi kita pakai Kartu Flow, kartu terbaru dari Points of You tapi, di sini kita juga berproses dan juga melakukan suatu hal pembelajaran dengan master - master yang luar biasa, kita melakukan Inner Research, banyak sekali Unexpected but Precise disini kita jadi bicara dream dan banyak hal.
Lily Johan - HC Expert & Career Coach (December, 2020)

Di bawah bimbingan Fasilitator kelas Dunia dan di dukung oleh komunitas grup yang sangat hangat dan terbuka, membuat proses “memahami diri” berjalan dengan nyaman dan dalam. Selain berproses mengenali diri menggunakan tools phototherapy, kita juga diperkuat dengan kisah-kisah kesaksian hidup yang mengharukan sekaligus menginspirasi. Merasakan berbagai teknik coaching menggunakan Points of You tools dan memahami filosofi yang mendasarinya.
Henli Salim - Financial Coach (March, 2020)

Saya merasa getaran connection yang lebih luas dan lebih dalam di dalam diri saya, sehingga seolah mampu terkoneksi dengan semesta. Ini mendukung saya agar bisa menjadi orang yang lebih gentle, caring dan resourceful bagi mereka yang membutuhkan dan saya menjadi lebih siap berbagi energi positif ke lebih banyak orang
Sri Eka Suandini - Preschool Principal and Parenting/Transpersonal Coach (Nov, 2022)
Workshop Table of
What’s Unique In Our Workshops:

Experiential and Uplifting
Our workshops are dynamic and emphasize learning by experience, practice, and heart-to-heart interaction with others

Expand Your Professional Toolkit
See our Tools and Method in action and learn how to apply them in diverse settings, audiences and purposes.

Be Part of a Global Tribe
An amazing opportunity to create connections, network and share knowledge with expert, professionals from all over the world

Pause. Breathe. Listen
Allow yourself to take a pause and to listen to your thoughts, body, feelings and heart. Increase your capacity to experience joy, contentment, stillness and creativity

Inner-research Journey
Get fresh views about yourself and your life. Observe your patterns, boundaries, priorities and potential. Ask yourself important questions that can take you beyond and deeper

Embrace Your Vulnerability
The perfect atmosphere for a deep & authentic dialogue. It allows participant to open up and express their passions, fears and challenges in a safe supportive environment
What’s Unique In Our Workshops:

Experiential and Uplifting
Our workshops are dynamic and emphasize learning by experience, practice, and heart-to-heart interaction with others

Expand Your Professional Toolkit
See our Tools and Method in action and learn how to apply them in diverse settings, audiences and purposes.

Be Part of a Global Tribe
An amazing opportunity to create connections, network and share knowledge with expert, professionals from all over the world

Pause. Breathe. Listen
Allow yourself to take a pause and to listen to your thoughts, body, feelings and heart. Increase your capacity to experience joy, contentment, stillness and creativity

Inner-research Journey
Get fresh views about yourself and your life. Observe your patterns, boundaries, priorities and potential. Ask yourself important questions that can take you beyond and deeper

Embrace Your Vulnerability
The perfect atmosphere for a deep & authentic dialogue. It allows participant to open up and express their passions, fears and challenges in a safe supportive environment
I'd like to know more
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. we have an installments plan that can be suited to your needs. Connect with our team to discuss further about the installment plans that are best suited for you. (click on the icon below or leave your details on this page)
Our live workshops are an exclusive experience to meet yourself and others face to face and online. It’s an opportunity to use all of your senses; see, hear, feel, smell and taste life to the fullest. We already booked an amazing location that supports your journey and our top facilitators are waiting for you.
The Turning Point Program is offered once or twice a year in Indonesia. Please connect with us for more information about the dates. (click on the icon below or leave your details on this page)
When each of the workshops is completed you’ll receive a Certificate of Attendance, with this you will contact ICF to receive your +60 ICF CCEU’s
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. we have many installment plans, either via Tokopedia or from Points of You Indonesia’s installment plans. Connect with our team to discuss further about the installment plans that are best suited for you. (click on the icon below or leave your details on this page)
Our live workshops are an exclusive experience to meet yourself and others face to face and online. It’s an opportunity to use all of your senses; see, hear, feel, smell and taste life to the fullest. We already booked an amazing location that supports your journey and our top facilitators are waiting for you
The Turning Point Program is offered once or twice a year in Indonesia. Please connect with us for more information about the dates. (click on the icon below or leave your details on this page)
When each of the workshops is completed you’ll receive a Certificate of Attendance, with this you will contact ICF to receive your +60 ICF CCEU’s